
As usual, Vash was standing on the upright mast of coffin boat. To not waste time sailing, he practiced meditation while standing.

The main function of Meditation for Awareness was introspection of mind and body. Along with usage of Observation Haki, Vash could even inspect his body to microscopic level. Vash could also manipulate his body at cellular level thanks to the telekinetic power of Supreme Kings Haki.

At this time Vash was observing his internals, he felt powerful energy in each individual cell, It was different from the biological energy. Vash noted that the feel of this energy is exactly same as the vortex, through which he came to this world. Vash couldn't fathom the cell structure at the atomic level, it was due to analyzing limits of Observation Haki.

Observation Haki could be given two parameters; clarity and range. The range increases with amount of Haki, and the clarity increases along with intensity of Haki, the intensity in simple terms is firmness or how dense mental energy is. Vash had been practicing in this world for a less than half an year, and he could now claim to be the top Haki expert too. But the intensity of his Haki is still not enough to gain clarity up to atomic level.

Vash had been hoping to refine his Haki reserves, the benefits of it would be highly condensed energy; increasing clarity. He didn't had any proper technique so he used whatever was at his disposal, mainly Meditation for awareness and Observation Haki.

It was most basic technique; trial and error.

Using Observation Haki, spends from his Haki reserves. He was emptying his reserves from the repeated usage. And along with meditation he observed the process.

Vash did it for several hours, he finally observed the changes. Every time he empties some Haki from the reserves, the newly birthed haki would be infinitesimally more dense. Only through repeatedly practice for a long time changes could be observed.

Although, intensity of Haki also depends on other factors like mental state, concentration, etc. But Vash had topped those factors already, and there were not going to have any major improvement in a short time, so now, he was left with this only technique. But his practice was disturbed by a call.

*perererere.... perererere.... perererere*

There was a snail calling, Mihawk shuffled through his things and picked out a den den mushi.

"Hawk eyes Dracule Mihawk" talked the den den mushi with a goatee.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku." Mihawk said in serious tone after hearing the voice.

"I knew you wouldn't come for a boring meeting at Marie Geoise. You are too free now these days." Sengoku said.

"What can I say... Freedom is my mistress... so I like having more of it?" Mihawk said. Sengoku and other marine listening to the conversation were flabbergasted. The strongest swordsman making jokes was new for them.

"Why did you call me??" Mihawk said breaking the silence.

"Straight to the point... I called you for a single reason, I want to talk to the unnamed pirate." Sengoku said.

"You mean Vash?? Hey Vash, there's a call for you from the marine " Mihawk said.

"Hmm...So his name is Vash." Sengoku said. Vash came down the mast, and held the den den mushi.

"So what does Fleet Admiral of the marine want from me??" Vash said.

"I know about you Vash, you are a betrayer. You backstabbed the world government, and fled from their control. And now because of you, we've been working overtime. We are like toilet paper to the World Government. So whatever I say, you have to comply, if not, I'll call upon you a buster call. I have the golden den-den mushi right here." Sengoku shouted at the end of his speech.

"Okay..." Vash said reflexively but in inside he thought, 'The hell is this geezer saying!! Who did I betray!!? When did I work for the World government!!? I don't seem to remember any of it.'

"Smart choice.. So as I was saying, you will be a Shichibukai for an indefinite time. Your bounty would be frozen, and marine will stop chasing you. In return you have to help marine organization in important moment." Sengoku said in monotonous voice like he was trying to hypnotize the opposite party.

"Well... I like fighting, so I will be there. You can rest assured of that." Vash said in a manner as if he was a new recruit in marine.

"Very good. Now, for the important stuff. Portgas D Ace's execution date is being set, you will be informed shortly, and Blackbeard aka Marshal D Teach is new Shichibukai in place of Crocodile." Sengoku said.

"What did you say??" Vash asked hearing two familiar names.

"The deal was done with Blackbeard, in place of Ace's custody we will grant him status of Shichibukai. So I expect your presence in the battlefield." Sengoku said.

"You are a bunch of lunatics, aren't you?? Whitebeard will beat your ass. Why don't you kill Ace now, and tell Whitebeard that Blackbeard killed him. Then Whitebeard and Blackbeard would fight among them. They will destroy each other, without any loss to navy. So why are you working up needlessly...I guess with old age your brain has became rusty. I'm a great doctor so why don't you have me polish those rusty parts, I'll make them good as new... But seriously, I expected more from the head of the marine. This is totally a disappointment." Vash said nonchalantly.

"Why you... Ahem.... It's a custom of the marine to execute pirates who are famous, and done right in front of the general public." Sengoku said.

"Oye geezer... you can't fool me, you are just government's dog. You follow their footsteps, so this is obviously an idea from their side.

You are just chess piece in the game. What they want is mutual destruction, and decrease the power from both parties. I pity you." Vash said. He had obtained valuable information from Mihawk. There are secrets that only strong ones know, so Mihawk was walking encyclopedia for Vash.

"Aaargghhh.... How hateful,. I challenge you to come to Marine Ford when the war starts... see how I beat your ass." Sengoku said in anger. Sengoku did not have a very large ego, but whatever the size he had was not enough to tackle the venomous words.

"Geezer... Are you having hormonal disorder in old age, you are getting excited for no reason." Vash said.

"Damn you Unnamed Pirate... I kill you with my own hands." Sengoku was angered, his blood pressure spiked, fumes started leaking from his head. He then put down the den den mushi.

"This geezer sure has a short temper. I wonder how he manages the marine organization by himself." Vash said and looked at Mihawk who was laughing.

"Why the hell are you laughing, If marine is a dog of world government then you are the dog of marine... You are the lowest kind of dog, an underdog." Vash said.

"You sure has a sharp tongue, You want to provoke me into a fight, but I won't fall for the same tricks. Judging by your aura, I knew your intentions. You must have gotten stronger and now you want to test your power." Mihawk said.

"Tche... I hate intelligent people." Vash said.

"Are you also not an underdog? You just became one now." Mihawk replied.

"Do I look like a person who cares what others think? I agreed to it because of the good deal. When rows upon rows of marine battleships will come to capture me, imagine what could happen?" Vash said in questioning tone.

"You'll piss in your pants??" Mihawk replied unsurely.

"Are you messing with me?? It's obvious that I would decimate them in no time. But there will be lots of innocent lives lost. So, by being a Shichibukai, I am saving lots of lives. I wonder why haven't I ascended to sagehood with such an awesome swag." Vash said with a heavy dose of narcissism.

"..." Mihawk.

"On the serious note, aside from fighting good opponents, I won't follow any order." Vash said further.

"Then your title will be revoked." Mihawk said.

"No offense, but I don't give a crap about some lousy title." Vash replied.