
It was evening of the next day when the coffin boat arrived at Jaya Island. The port city was called Mock Town. The duo got off the boat and stood on the stone pavement. Vash observed the other docked ships, and most of them had black flag signifying the presence of pirates in the town.

"You are wondering how pirates and locals co-exist here? The answer is very simple, even pirates have to spend their money somewhere, and if they killed all the people, the treasures they hoard would be worthless with nowhere to spend them." Mihawk said. He was walking beside Vash, touring the town.

"Why the need to spend? Just rob the locals." Vash said.

"If they can, they will. But most of the locals had piracy as past profession, So they would fight tooth and nail for any small things, and most pirate don't want to mess with them who have no regard for their own life, as these kinds of people could be most dangerous." Mihawk said.

"What's going on? Are the people scared of you and running?" Vash said in annoyance.

"It's not me... There's commotion going on at the center of the town." Mihawk replied pointing toward the fleeing people.

"Let's go and see. I also felt a strong presence just now." Vash liked these kinds of situation, his blood boiled at the possibility of meeting a strong person. This world have various different power in the form of fruits. So he was expecting the encounter.

Vash saw a crowd circling three people, of which two seemed dead. The alive one had blond hair, and wore slanted shade. He also wore fluffy coat with pink feathers.

"---the new Age will come!!! fufuhuhuhu...." The tall and blond man was saying something dramatic and laughed like a runaway mental patient. Vash and Mihawk arrived and only saw the last part.

"I bet 10 gold coins, a lunatic of this caliber must be a Shichibukai. He is laughing non-stop like a Joker and it's creepy." Vash said after he saw the source of mayhem.

"You say the right things in most unusual way... Anyway, I bet 100 gold coins, you are itching to fight him." Mihawk said.

"I'll fight him indeed. But you must have to cash in the bounty of this pink flamingo bird." Vash said.

"No can do, I love my status and it brings me endless relaxation. I won't do such things which could jeopardize it, like trying to profit off from fellow Shichibukai's bounty."Mihawk said.

"Aaarrgh....You are god awful annoying bastard, as well as liar of the highest kind. Damnit, what can I expect from a pirate? I know you can't withstand watching others get rich. blah...blah.." Vash started ranting, and the people in the crowd finally noticed the chatting duo.

They saw two men. One of them was in black suit, and the man in question was handsome to a desirable degree. The people here didn't recognize the figure at first glance. But once they focused on another person beside the figure, their breathing halted and brains short circuited. The people only remembered a pair of sharp eagle like eyes before they fainted. Mihawk wasn't even using Supreme Kings Haki, and with his gaze alone he could instill fear into others mind.

Doflamingo finally stopped laughing and noticed Mihawk standing among fainted crowd.

"Aiyo... If it isn't The World's Strongest Swordsman, Hawk eyes Dracule Mihawk." Doflamingo said licking his lips.

"Mihawk, this flamingo bird looks hungry and ready to eat you. It's creepy..." Vash said. Doflamingo also saw Vash beside Mihawk, but a while ago he had dismissed Vash as another canon fodder.

"Hmm...You... I have seen you before, and if I remember it right, you must be the newly famous Unnamed Pirate with a bounty of 500 million. But you shouldn't get ahead of yourself and insult me. You won't be able to afford it. fufufu...Parasite..." Doflamingo said, and an invisible thread like substance

ejected out from his raised hand; he then moved his finger like he was playing piano. And Vash, who was supposedly victim of the sneak attack didn't respond.

"Fufufu... You are careless one. Let's see how you dance like a puppet." Doflamingo said moving his finger. Vash could have easily got free from the technique, infact Doflamingo's parasite wouldn't even had hit him, if Vash wished so, but he wanted to see what the blonde Shichibukai wanted so he followed along.

"Oye... you... yes, the person with violin, come out in the front and play us a nice tune, we have an expensive dancer." Said Doflamingo pointing at the random person holding the musical instrument.

The person holding violin started playing, Vash danced in the tune like a certain Okama, Mr. 2. He raised his hands making a full circle and spun on his toes doing accurate ballerina.

Doflamingo laughed at the performance, but others were silent. It was because they were in presence of two Shichibukai, three if counting Vash, but they didn't know that yet.

"Fufuhuhuhu... You are very fun. Let's see how you act like a chicken. It's punishment for calling me a bird." Doflamingo said. He moved his finger, but this time, he felt as if he was trying to uproot a large mountain. He again tried to move Vash but to no avail. Doflamingo started sweating, and his palm became bloody from the backlash.

"You... what are you?" Doflamingo said, as he tried detaching the strings, but the string connected to Vash's nape were jammed, and Doflamingo couldn't take them out. He then cut the strings from his fingers, and held his bleeding palm with the other.

"Thanks to you, I now know how much flexibility is required for the ballerina dance. But a pink bird is seriously trying to make me act like a chicken. I'll wring your neck, flamingo bastard." Vash said, and at the same time the invisible strings came out his nape.

Vash left his place his fast motion, it was silent as if he was never there. In the next moment, the people in the crowd saw a pink bird flying in the air.

"Impossible... In a single hit." a random person in the crowd said.

"Really unbelievable... who is this Unnamed Pirate?" A pirate among crowd said.

"Are you sure you are a pirate? If you are, then I advise you to quit. You wouldn't last long in the sea if you aren't updated. Let me tell you, the Unnamed Pirate is the person with the highest bounty in this half of grandline. I heard that he actually isn't a pirate but a nomad. He roams these seas and fight everyone he meets. So you better be careful of him." Another random pirate beside the previous one said.

Vash had punched an uppercut, sending Doflamingo flying upward. The unconcious body of bird man fell down after few seconds, and his body crashed destroying the wooden floor and got embedded in the dirt below.

"Oye...You two... Bring him out." Vash ordered the two random people who directly went to the crater without any question, and brought out the unconcious man.

Vash went to the blonde man, and stomped his torso with one leg and held the head giving it twist. The unconcious body jerked taking huge damage. Doflamingo coughed out blood, and his tongue came out reflexively. The twist Vash gave was like killing a chicken by wringing its neck.

The surrounding people now saw three unconcious bodies lying in same dead dog posture.

"So who is the person with highest bounty here!?? Come out now and save me the trouble of finding you personally." Vash said.

'You just took him out.' all the people thought and looked at the miserable condition of the famous Shichibukai.

"Sir Unnamed Pir---Hiii..." A person tried saying but was silenced with a scary look from Vash.

"Just tell me the names." Vash asked another person.

"Sir, the one you sent flying is the holder of highest bounty here, and of course except you, the venerable sir. And the person lying next to him is Bellamy. He has bounty of 55 million." The person answered with great apprehension.

"Is that so? Hmm... He's alive despite being this injured. Anyway, alive is good. I can get full amount." Vash said and hauled the body of Bellamy and started walking to the docks.

"Hey Mihawk... Let's go. I think 25 million would be enough for a small boat. Hmm... I nearly forgot that now I am also a Shichibukai so It's 55 million whole, hehe... I can cash in this pirate myself and you won't get a thing this time." Vash said. He was loaded already and he didn't care much about the money but one upping cheapskate pirate like Mihawk was always satisfying for him.

"Hiii" The crowd stared at Mihawk standing and again they were reminded of his presence. The people backed off in fright and made way for him.

"We'll now go to Water 7, it's best place if you want to order a ship construction. At the same time, I could also cash in the bounty of this pirate at the local marine branch." Mihawk said.