That's My Command

After complete silence goes on for a few seconds, Captain Yelena finally spoke up. "It's me." Her voice was clear and firm.

The terrorist leader tilted his head to her with an amusing smile. "A woman? How strange." He muttered. He then gestured his men to bring the leader forward.

One of the men pointed Yelena on her back to forced her to step forward. He made Yelena stood before their leader. 

The leader passed his gun to his men and take out a pistol from his waist. He lifted the pistol and pointed Yelena. The end of his pistol clashed with the Captain's forehead. He slowly loaded the pistol and put his index finger on the trigger, ready to shoot anytime.

"No! Captain!" Lt. Morris shouted but he was instantly knocked down to the ground by the enemy. The other members also struggled when they saw their Captain in the brink of death, but they were controlled by the guns pointed on them.