Don't Ever Disappoint Me Again

"I agree with your suggestion. We will release your team members. Now, give me the gun." The terrorist leader extended his left hand to Captain Yelena while still pointing a gun at her with his right hand.

"Release them first and I will surrender. But I won't drop the gun until I'm convinced that they are safe." Not a single hint of fear and anxiety was evident in Yelena's face and actions. She stood there, unfazed by all the guns pointed at her and the obvious rage of the terrorists who were eager to see her fall.

The leader exchanged glances with his men, reading their opinions. After a minute, he finally nodded his head. "Release the others." He ordered his men. "Make sure to relay our message to your superiors." He said to the team members with a threatening tone.

"Captain! We cannot leave you like this!" Lt. Morris shouted while the other members instantly agreed with him.

"How will we face the General and our Commander?"