Lt. Eleanor Geraci

Felix's eyes trailed to the direction where Yelena was looking. He saw two persons in uniform, a man and a woman. 'Did she know them?' He thought to himself.

It was just a matter of time before the two soldiers stand before them.

"Ella," Yelena muttered and beamed with merriment until the woman saluted her. She narrowed her eyes and her smile faded away.

Ella, whose full name was Lt. Eleanor Geraci saluted the Captain and when she noticed that her male comrade was glancing at her with a confused look, she informed him. "This is Captain Yelena Arista."

The man with a rank of Sergeant immediately followed suit and saluted the reputable Captain. Of course, he had heard her name but he had never met her before.

"Don't do this," Yelena said in a low voice. When she looked at the Lieutenant, pain was evident in Yelena's eyes.