I Won't Stop

"Why wouldn't you try talking to her first? I'm sure she would love that."

The couple were already on their way back to the villa when Felix stated his idea. A great friendship which lasted for five years won't be that easy to let go. Maybe the ex-best friend might also feel that way.

"I'm not sure. What if she didn't want to talk to me?" Yelena hung her head low, playing with her fingers. It's not that the idea never crossed her mind but she was afraid to be hurt again.

Felix holds her hand while driving with the other hand. "You can show her your sincerity. As long as she feels the same, she will be move by it." He reassured her with a smile.

His warm words and actions comforted her like always. She showed him a slight smile and lean her head to the window. She closed her eyes, wondering what would be the best decision.

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