
"Marquess, I released the man as you told me to and I hired some men to still keep an eye on him," Fabian reported to Lexus who was sitting in one of the rooms of his family villa.

"What about the number that you tracked?" Lexus asked right away.

"I think the phone was discarded. The last connection that I could track was in the middle of some streets. There are no residence or even CCTV in the area."

"Seems like someone is well prepared." Lexus rubbed his tired eyes that had suffered the effect of consecutive sleepless nights. His pale and tired face made his right-hand man worried about him.

"You should take some rest. Lord Philip can take care of the things in the hospital." Fabian opined with a concerned face. Being a perfectionist, the Marquess never need to be reminded to take care of himself. So, it made Fabian more worried about him as he was never like this before.