Unbelievably Jealous

While all the other soldiers were outside the base, carrying out some of their plans; Colonel Arias was alone in the main base.

Scanning through the graph and the maps of the area, he tried to figure out the best way to take control of the enemy base, with fewer casualties possible. He made up his mind not to see any of his comrades die in this mission.

But while he was examining the routes and the geographical area, one Private who barged inside the base made him lose focus. The Private ran to the storeroom which was on the left and took a first aid kit. He was about to run out of the base when the Colonel talked to him.

"What happened? Is someone injured?" Colonel Arias asked as he glanced at the first aid kit on the Private hand.

"Captain Eleanor hurt her arm. I need to -"

Before the Private could even finish explaining, Colonel Arias ran past him and stormed out the base, stunning the subordinate!