Dating Discussion Meeting

Colonel Arias and Captain Eleanor's awkward expression made Yelena's smile. She really wished to laugh but for the sake of the couple, she hardly suppressed her laughter!

"I bet our Deputy Commander wouldn't think of such things. He's a workaholic." Yelena remarked with a light chuckle when she saw the doubtful gaze of the soldiers. Even she doesn't know whether she spoke up for the secret couple or to make the other soldiers more curious!

The Colonel stood still with a busy mind though he put up a calm facade but Ella could hardly sit still. She took the bottle of water placed in front of her and drink again and again. She almost spits out the water in her mouth when another question was directed to her.

"Captain, then what about you? Do you have any opinion?" The one who asked the question was Lt. Gary, the Vice-Captain of Team Echo which Ella leads. He chuckled when he saw the Captain's reaction.