I'm Having A Hard Time

It was around 9 pm in Edeladon and Felix was sitting in the backseat of a car. Staring out of the car window, he observed his surroundings. It was a quiet place in the outskirts of the city but the darkness of the night made his vision unclear.

Just the look on his face showed that he seemed to be very tired. After receiving that call a week ago, he hardly had any sleep. Even when he fell asleep after much effort, he was haunted by nightmares. Besides, he always spends his daytime for work and nighttime to dig the incident.

While he was sitting all alone with many different thoughts, the sound of his phone ringing aroused him. His lips curved into a smile when he saw the caller ID. He had always waited for her call but the woman was very busy with her missions. He heard the success of their missions through the news and though he talked with her in the noon, it was just for a minute.