I'm Willing To Devote My Whole Life For You

Lexus stepped inside Gina's hospital room where Philip and Sophie were sitting on the bench next to the bed.

It was around 7 in the night and he went there after a whole day of having an investigation. He went to Silveren as an ambassador of Edeladon Army but now, that purpose doesn't matter anymore. He was always a perfect soldier who always prioritized his job but now, all he could think of was the woman who was lying on the bed for more than a week now.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Sophie's eyes darted to the direction where she saw Lexus who was entering. She showed him a warm smile like a kind and considerate woman she was. However, Philip sat still with his eyes fixated on his cousin. When his lover gently placed her hand on his shoulder, he was finally snapped out of his stupor and he turned his head to the right where Lexus was already standing just next to him.

"You come?" He forced a slight smile and rose from his seat.