The Angel Of His Life

Ever since early in the morning, the Silveren soldiers in Agrana had a pleasant and fun time. Though they had nothing scheduled in the morning, they still woke up early as it was already a habit of theirs.

Seeing soldiers in the ground jokingly practising hand to hand combat with all smile on their faces, Yelena reminisced of the past. She sat in a bench under a tree with her eyes glued to her cheerful comrades yet her imagination already went back to years ago.

"Is something wrong, Yelena?" The voice of Colonel Arias suddenly snapped her out of her imagination.

Sawing the Colonel sitting just next to her, the Captain was quite startled. "Deputy Commander." She rose from her seat at once. How come she didn't even saw him walking her way?!

"It's fine. Take a seat." Arias said to her with a friendly smile.