Take Care Of It Yourself

Felix was in his room going through some files that were piled up in his desk. After talking to Yelena last night, he went home and forced himself to sleep though it was not easy.

After managing to sleep for a few hours, he woke up early in the morning. As it was still early, he decided to work to pass time and three hours had passed since then.

It was around 7 in the morning when King Lawrence quietly stared at his son who was very immersed in his work. He already stood there and watched him for minutes but his workaholic son doesn't notice his presence at all.

When the King of Edeladon saw his only son talking on the phone, he was stunned! Just seconds ago, his son was fully focused on his work, having no room for other things. But now with a phone on his ear, Felix had forgotten about everything else!