Welcome Back

Lexus abruptly rose from his seat and look at Gina's head. It was only a simple movement but due to the fact that the latter didn't make any effort to move on her own ever since she regained her consciousness, it became a shocking scene!

The Brigadier stood dazed for a moment. Receiving her little physical response was enough to make him lose his mind! "Gina!" He finally called out her name. Sitting down and hold her hand once again, he had many things to say but he could barely utter the words. "You hear me, right? You know everything I say!" His voice almost stuttered due to joy.

Gina's expression was still the same but she never took her eyes off of him. That alone was enough to satisfy the Brigadier. "This is more than enough for now, Gina. Everyday, I will tell you stories that will cheer you up. I will make sure that you recover." His once dull and hopeless face was now brightened up with happiness.