Double Date

The sound of her phone ringing aroused Yelena from her sleep. Lazily, her hand reached out for her phone which was placed on the table. When she realized where she was sleeping, her eyes that were half-opened grew wide opened at once!

She was sleeping on the couch with a blanket covering her body. She recalled what happened before she fell asleep. She was chatting with Felix while sitting on the couch and... did she just fell asleep while the latter was talking?

They rarely had a chance to see each other yet she fell asleep over his talk! It made Yelena scowled. She turned her head around to see where Felix was and saw him walking out of the kitchen.

"You're up? You seem to be tired, so I didn't want to wake you." Felix narrowed his eyes at the table. "Aren't you going to answer?" He gestured at her phone.

Yelena suddenly realized that she still doesn't answer her phone. She immediately grabbed it and swipe the green button.

"Hi, Ella."