The Scene

Five minutes passed and the Captain was still following the man whom she identified as Mr. Iselin. Now, her pace had slowed down a lot and Lt. Col. Lucas was also walking just next to her.

"What is this about, Captain?" The Lt. Colonel asked Yelena while maintaining their pace.

"There's someone who I search for more than a month now. I think I saw the man." Yelena never took her eyes off Mr. Iselin. She wanted to make sure that she didn't miss this chance! She had already waited for so long!

"Sir, I'm sorry but please return without me. I need to sort things out." She said to Lt. Col. Lucas.

"No. I can't just leave you alone. You are not even familiar with the roads here. I will go with you but don't worry. I won't interfere as this is your personal matter." The Lt. Col. stated while he repeatedly glanced at the woman next to her. She seemed so determined that it put him in awe! It made him wondered what other side will she had in her.