
"Are you saying that your mother is sick?!" King Lawrence abruptly rose from his seat when he heard the news from his son.

It might only be a fever but the Queen rarely got sick as she was always a healthy woman. That's why the King completely lose his cool at the news!

"Yes. I went to your room as soon as I get here. She was sleeping with a high fever. But Doctor Raon treated her and she's quite good now." Standing next to the window inside his parent's room, Felix informed his father. He was so caught up in looking after his mother, so he only realized to call his father now. It was already 8 in the night!

King Lawrence glanced at his wristwatch. It was 6 p.m. in Silveren and it's too late to fly there now, be it a private plane or a normal plane. The distance was too long for that.