
Matthew wondered what words would he put together. He didn't want to be the one to suffer just because of... jealousy? That won't be fair!

"We only talk about you, Your Highness. The lady used to call me and ask about you when you are out of her reach." Matthew carefully answered.

"And why did I only heard this now?" Felix asked which only troubled Matthew more! When the latter was nervously thinking of how to reply, the Prince's phone went off.

Looking at the caller ID, his lips curved into a mischievous smile. "Speaking of the devil." He muttered.

Staring at Matthew, he answered the call and put the phone next to his ear. "What a spy you have here." He said to Yelena who was on the other line. His voice calm yet intimidating.

Spy?! Matthew blinked. Wasn't that an overwording?! He only helped out his boss's fiancee who considered him as a friend. He stood still, not looking at the Prince as he was not dismissed yet.