The Anxious Prince

"I already told you that my patience has a limit," Felix spoke up, urging Cayden after a minute of silence.

The latter hung his low, his eyes glued to the floor while pressure was making quite a stir inside his body. He heard the Prince but he didn't talk. He wanted to but the answer won't please the Prince. He was very sure of that.

"This will be the last time that I repeat myself, Cayden. Who is he?" Felix asked, enunciating every single syllable of the question.

"I don't know." Cayden bit his lip and closed his eyes. He was overwhelmed with guilt and was ashamed of himself yet he was telling the truth.

"You don't know?" Felix recited the response, disbelief and doubt were evident in his face. He gave in to the pressure and betrayed him but... he didn't know who was the mastermind?! "That's nonsense," Felix muttered.