The Crazy Prince

Alonzo wondered how satisfying it would be to see his cousin suffer again. He had seen him that way for the last four years and he was adamant to make it happen again.

Too bad. A beautiful young woman must pay the price again. If only Cara Laria chose him... he shook his head, refusing to think farther.

"Your Highness, due to Cayden's incident, the Crown Prince is very careful now. He makes his men watched over her all the time. Besides, his fiancee is a skilled soldier. It is a very risky move." Ivan pointed out the cons of his master's plan.

"I'm well aware of that. But I don't say that we should make a move now. We can wait until she returns to her country. Think about it, Ivan." Alonzo grinned wickedly resembling a mad man. "His fiancee will be missing but he will be miles away. It will be a pure torment for my cousin."

"I understand what you say, Your Highness," Ivan said respectfully. His gaze never met the crazy Prince.