Sweet Dreams, Your Highness

"You truly loved your grandfather, don't you?" Yelena asked, observing the portraits.

"He was the one who made me wish to become a good King for the people. I want to be like him, who prioritize the people's well-being rather than his own." The Prince tone and eyes showed his respect for his late grandfather.

Yelena smiled at the thought of her grandfather, the General. "I used to think that we are so different but it turns out that we have many things in common." She remarked.

"On what criteria?" Felix asked, curious about what was in her mind.

"A supportive grandfather whom we look up to, the past which we couldn't let go and... " She made a deliberate paused, turning to the Prince. "A messed up family relationship."

Felix stood still and quiet for a while. He knew that he had never told her about the crack in his family. "Did my mother tell you?" He muttered.