A Date With Guns

Slowly opening his eyes, the Prince finds himself on the rooftop room, sleeping on his fiancee's lap. His eyes suddenly grew wide! What time was it?!

He glanced at his wristwatch and instantly frowned. It's 8:15 a.m. That means they were here the whole night! He realized that Yelena was sleeping without having anything to support her head. She tilted her head to the left and it made him wonder how long had she slept like this. Her neck might be very sore now!

He noticed her gradually opening her eyes and he quickly gets up, finally lifting his weigh off her thighs. Then he holds her.

With half-opened eyes, Yelena turned to the right and saw him. "Did you sleep well? You seem to be tired." She mumbled. He finds her so adorable that his lips curved into a smile.

"I sleep well, thanks to you. But... " He gently pressed both of her shoulders. "I think your neck and shoulders pay the price." His tone was playful yet there was a ghost of worry on his face.