You Were A Hero

Standing between the divider, Yelena and Felix pointed their handguns at the target which was 25 metres away. Putting on a hearing protector and tactical eyewear, they were all set.

"10 bullets for both of us," Yelena said as she eyed Felix. "I hope you don't embarrass yourself." She teased him.

Trying to not let her get to his nerves, he observed her. "Judging by how you dressed up, you really have shootings in mind from the start." He remarked.

"I always wanted to see your skills." Yelena adjusted her position and briefly glanced at Felix. "Okay, we should really start now."

Felix did the same and the shooting competition between the couple started right away. For the next few minutes, the sound of firing handguns filled the shooting range with the two firers completely focused on each of their targets.