When The Truth Comes To Light

What nonsense was this? Maverick Yaris, the legend of the Silveren Army will resign?! That's impossible!

"You are joking, right?" Arias uttered. "Joining the army is your dream ever since you were young. I still remember you talking about how happy you were that you got to achieve your dream." He glanced at Maverick right in the eyes, hoping to hear some answer.

"It's my dream but I'm not joking." Maverick rose from his seat and blankly stared at the outdoors. "I committed many crimes, it's time to pay for it." He murmured.

Arias abruptly stood up when he heard Maverick. "You should explain so that I could understand." He snapped.

Maverick took a deep breath once again. Then he turned around, faced Arias and faint a smile. "I hope you remained a righteous soldier as you have always been. In my case, I'm not qualified to wear this uniform anymore." His voice trailed off as he narrowed his eyes at the uniform he was wearing.