Unexpected Intrusion

The Next Day in Silveren

Captain Yelena was about to enter Colonel Maverick's office. She stood in front of the door, her hands reached for the doorknob.

She didn't know why the Colonel was asking to meet her but she was not feeling okay. She knows that she was wearing her uniform and she was in the Headquarters. That means she was bonded by the rules. She must control herself.

Taking a deep breath, she finally knocked the door. When she heard the response, she entered and made her way to the Colonel who was rising from his seat. Then she saluted the man. "Do you ask for me, sir?"

Colonel Maverick seemed to be a bit uncomfortable. Maybe guilt was still tormenting him. "Yes. Please have a seat." He ushered her to the couch.

Maverick pressed his hands together and keeps on clenching his fingers. Was he feeling nervous? Yelena didn't know but she wasn't feeling that great either.