They Are All Mine

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince is here with his men! We are surrounded!"

Prince Alonzo's face turned pale at the information. How was this possible?! He furiously turned to Yelena who was now smiling at him with barely opened eyes. Was she mocking him?!

He instantly flew into a rage. Losing control, he rushed to her and choked her. "What is this? You know everything, right? Is this why you're so confident?" He bellowed, tightening his grip on her neck.

Ivan quickly stood beside him. "Your Highness, we don't have time! You must leave this place. I will handle the rest. Please leave." He pleaded with the Prince.

"Damn it!" Alonzo roared and roughly withdrew his hands which was followed by the coughing of Yelena. She struggled for air to breathe.

"Don't you... hear what he said? You're... surrounded." Yelena glanced at Alonzo nonchalantly. "You're doomed, Alonzo Vasari."