They Were Too Much For Him

Yelena was taken to Moray Hospital by Lexus and the agents. The doctors immediately gave her treatment and due to the wound on her head, she was taken to the OR right away.

Her family were also informed and they rushed to the hospital as soon as they heard the news.

When Felix reached the hospital, he saw the whole Arista family in front of the Operation Room, anxiously waiting for their daughter's surgery to finish. Seeing the pain and horror on their faces, the Prince was suddenly overwhelmed with guilt.

He was the one who caused their anxiety! He was the one who puts Yelena's life in danger! He was the reason why she was in this condition! For her, he was dangerous! These facts repeatedly echoed in his ears, driving him to the brink of insanity!

"No!" He suddenly shrieked and covered both his ears with his hands. However, the voice won't stop, making him lose his mind.