Rest Well, My Friend

Colonel Maverick died? How?!

Unable to believe it, Yelena tried to get up while staring at her father the whole time. However, she doesn't have the energy for that! The doctor said that the drugs lingering on her veins will make her weak for a while!

"That can't be. We were supposed to meet last night. Why would he die?!" She still had many questions to ask him. Her eyes grew wide when one possibility crossed her mind. Was this the doing of the main culprit? Did he find out about them?!

"No. No. This can't happen. I have to meet him!" She shrieked and shook her head but her wound only hurt more!

Major General Ethan was stupefied at his daughter's reaction to the news. The death of the Silveren Army legend was shocking and devastating but he didn't expect to affect his daughter to this extent! As far as he could remember, they were not that close.