Indescribable Pain

"You should tell me about this before. Now, Colonel Maverick is dead." General Logan Arista said to his granddaughter with a heavy sigh. When he thought about how much his granddaughter would be affected by the news, he felt a tingling pain in his heart. "You must be shocked." He said in a low voice.

"Though I felt lost now, I won't give up, Grandpa." Yelena promptly said with a determined face. "Colonel Maverick told me that if something happens to him before he could tell me the truth, I will receive an address. He also gave me a key."

"He was prepared." Major General Ethan suddenly spoke up. "Colonel Maverick had a feeling that something could go wrong, so he was prepared for that. If not, he won't give you the key." He added.

"I have that feeling when he gave me the key but I know that he won't give me the answer even if I ask him. I also... " Yelena suddenly paused when one thing crossed her mind. "No. Nolan Iselin." She muttered and her eyes grew wide.