I Will Never Forgive You

Yelena's hand that Felix avoided was still in the air. With pain, she stared at him who didn't even return her gaze. Then she slowly put her hand down. It was followed by a tormenting silence for more than a minute.

Did he change his mind? Were all these too much for him? What should she do? Yelena wasn't sure. The pressure and thoughts only made her heart ached more! She holds her head and groaned in pain.

Seeing her in pain, anxiety rushed through him once again. Just for a split second, he lifted his hands and reached out to her but halted. He can't bring himself to touch her as guilt was swallowing every inch of his body! He retreated and put down his hand. All these actions went unnoticed by her.

"I will call the doctor." He said and quickly rose from his seat. He turned around but she grabbed his hand, taking him by surprise. He stood still in his place, paralyzed.