He Won't Be Able To Stay Still

"Don't you want to go? I'm waiting." Felix simply smiled at Yelena, grabbing a wheelchair in both of his hands.

Yelena stared at the wheelchair as if it was her arch enemy. She didn't want to get herself embarrassed by sitting on that thing. "I don't -"

She instantly shut her mouth when her room door flew open. "Yelena!" Barging inside the room with an anxious face was none other than Ella.

Eleanor Geraci's eyes swept around the room and when her eyes landed on her friend who was still sitting on the bed, she rushed to her right away. "What happened? They say that you're abducted!" She holds Yelena and keenly observed her.

"I only have light injuries. Don't worry." Yelena smiled at her friend who looked at her with a face full of horror. She had never seen her this anxious!