Not Good At Saying Goodbyes

Silence fell upon Yelena's hospital room. As each second passed, the father was getting more and more impatient.

"Answer me, Felix! I want to hear the truth." Major General Ethan Arista growled. His gaze never left his daughter's fiance the whole time.

Yelena was in a dilemma. She knew her father's nature well. He usually remained calm but once he lost his cool, it's the same as waking up a sleeping tiger! With his formidable aura adding to the tension, the Captain felt the atmosphere so suffocating!

"Father, please listen - " She couldn't finish her words because Felix finally spoke up, making her shut her mouth.

"It's fine, Yelena. I should answer him." He glanced at her and forced a smile. Then he turned to the father and rose from his seat.