The Youngest Executive

"I cannot accept this. Never."

"Commander - "

"Are you out of your mind, Yelena?" Major General Lucian Arlyn snapped. With displeased written all over his face, he was looking up at the Captain who was standing in front of the desk.

"My mother needs me. As her only daughter, it's my duty to help her." Yelena was in her uniform, standing at ease before the Commander.

She wanted to resign but she talked to the Commander first. Just as she expected, the latter strongly opposed her decision.

"You can take a leave for that. You rarely applied for a leave, so it won't be a problem even if you need a few months. I won't allow you to quit!" Major General Lucian strongly declared. He narrowed his eyes at the table and rage was evident in his eyes!

Yelena was stupefied. It's the first time she saw him being this angry at her! The situation was so unfamiliar to the point where she didn't know how to behave!