Please Give Me An Answer

Crown Prince Felix Valestra was standing still, staring out of the window. The trees and flowers which surround the royal family villa created a mesmerizing view yet his face didn't hint at any positive things.

Lifeless yet tired eyes, a broken heart, the face he made was as if the world was over for him. He had no resemblance to the once confident and powerful Crown Prince. Gone were the eyes that used to twinkle with mirth, they were replaced by the eyes of a man who was knocked down by the cruelty of this world!

"The number of my nightmares are the highest these days. No medication can prevent this. I can't sleep or eat. Even if I fall asleep for just a few minutes, that dreary reality would haunt me, making me lose my sleep." He narrowed his eyes at the floor and clenched his teeth in pain. "I feel like I'm dying."