What's Your Relationship?

"A shareholders meeting is scheduled to take place after two days. All our plan will be put in motion starting that day. Until then, no one should find out about this." Julia Corell said to Yelena after briefing her with their plans for the upcoming meeting.

Ever since the Chairwoman was in a coma, the greedy senior executives acted as if they owned the company and it's time to show them the reality!

"I may be the youngest executive but because the Chairwoman trusts in me, I can handle the senior executives. Even now, I will try my best to suppress them and block whatever plan they made. You can be assured." Jason Moravsky stated. His voice was calm yet there was a hint of seriousness.

Yelena nodded and spoke up. "If it's two days, that means I don't have much time. If we want the plan to be perfect, I should prepare myself. I will need quite a study because I have no knowledge of the company."