I'd Rather Die Than Break It

Yelena saw through him and fake a smile. "If that's the case, I should apologize, sir. I wondered if I had offended you somehow and it quite scared me. I won't want to put myself in trouble by offending a high ranking officer like you." 

Major General Richard smiled, thinking that he had saved himself from trouble. "Don't be too modest, Captain. You're the pride of our forces." He promptly said and glanced at his wristwatch. "I have another matter to tend to. Let's talk some other day."

Yelena watched him entered the building while still clenching her fist. If she didn't have to think of the long run, she would already go after him and get to the bottom of this matter! However, she barely calmed down herself for the sake of the future. Being reckless won't solve a thing.