It Will Change Nothing

"Ella?" Yelena muttered when she noticed the pain in her friend's eyes. She wanted to rush to her but she can't even do that! Her body didn't allow her to!

Ella first glanced at Yelena and then turned to Arias. "What are you talking about? What did my father do?" She muttered, demanding an answer.

"Ella, I will explain," Arias said. He took a step forward, reaching out his hand to her but...

Ella brushed away his hands. "Don't touch me!" She grunted.

"Ella, please. Hear me out." Arias started to feel anxious. He saw the way she looked at him and he couldn't take it!

Ella walked past Arias and stood in front of Yelena. "Answer me, Yelena. What did my father do? Why do I hear things that I don't even understand?!"

Yelena was in a daze! She tried to recall what she just talked about with Arias but... she can't even think properly! It was as if her brain stopped functioning!