I Want To See It For Myself

Yelena was in her mother's hospital room, sitting beside the bed. She was holding her mother's hand and gently caressed her hair.

"The doctor scheduled your surgery for tomorrow. Don't worry, Mother. Your surgery will be performed successfully. So, you must regain your health and work again." She slightly smiled and said, "I'm too bored of looking after your company."

"I think I finally understand how bored you would be in our home. My father and grandfather rarely come home early and I am always eating alone. I still feel like I'm living alone." Yelena let out a light chuckle when she thought of her busy family. "But I can't go home these days. I stay in a hotel and it's not that bad. It's a long story and I will tell you once you recovered. So, you must recover soon and be there for me."

Her phone went off while she was talking and she noticed that it was from Felix, she promptly answered the call.