Things Will Be Better Soon

"Why would you say that, Ella?! Are you out of your mind?" Arias promptly argued. He never once thought that she would say this! He knew that she just wants to know the truth but... he was sure that the outcome would break her!

"I already made up my mind. I want to know everything." Ella said. She was very calm in contrast to Arias.

"No. I won't allow this. It will only hurt you!" Arias firmly objected to her decision. No matter how much he thought about it, he would never allow her to choose a path that would only hurt her.

"Arias - "

"This is not a trivial matter, Ella." Arias snapped, interrupting Ella from speaking. "You can hate me as long as it makes you feel better and I won't blame you but... I will never allow you to do things that you will regret forever. I don't want your life to be ruined!"

The tone of his voice was very high now but... Ella slightly smiled! It made Arias stupefied. What happened to her?!