Your Future Grandchildren Might Be Interested

Yelena was sitting next to her mother's bed. It had been a few days since the latter regained her consciousness but the Captain rarely had time to visit her. She was so busy handling the company affairs in place of her mother.

"You improved a lot, Mother. The doctor also said that you will recover soon." Yelena said with a smile, holding her mother's hand.

"I think you can't wait for me to recover." Mrs. Arista said with a slight smile. 

Yelena lightly chuckled. "You're right. It's too boring to do paperwork all day. You should get well and return to your rightful place. TR Group, not this hospital." Her smile faded a bit when she recalled something. "Mother, what makes you suddenly collapse? Did something happen to you after you visit me?" Even now, no one knows why the mother suddenly collapsed. It was still a strange incident.