He Will Only Be An Obstacle

Arias was sitting in Lt. Gen. Haric's office as the latter had summoned him. Though the Colonel never made it obvious, he really wished to avoid the Lt. General these days. He was afraid that he won't be able to keep himself in control.

"It's so hard to see you these days, Arias." Lt. Gen. Haric said to the young Colonel.

"I'm quite caught up with Ella these days. I'm sorry, Father." Arias formally said.

Lt. Gen. Haric sighed. "Just what is on her mind? Are you sure that you don't have any misunderstandings?"

Though there were many things going on, Arias still nodded.

"Maybe she needs time for herself. Be patient with her. I also hired some men to look for her and let's hope that we will find her soon." The father uttered. His concern for his daughter was very evident in his face.