
Prince Felix stared at the young man who was sitting on the couch. The Sergeant seemed to be nervous yet he tried his best to not make it too obvious.

The Prince had already told his guards not to let anyone in. So, he prepared a cup of coffee himself and placed it on the table. "You should calm down first." He said to the man and took a seat opposite him.

Sergeant Korin glanced at the Crown Prince. "You take me here right away. Do you know me, Your Highness?"

Felix nodded once. "I heard about you last night. Yelena is still looking for you and... so is Lt. Gen. Haric."

The Sergeant raised a brow. "She already knows about the Lt. General?"

"Yes but she needs evidence. Evidence to prove that her brother was killed by the Lt. General." The Prince stated.

Sergeant Korin lifted the cup of coffee but he ended up squeezing it out of nervousness and the Prince didn't fail to notice this.