The Fates Of The Traitors

The trial held in the highest court of the country set the fates of the traitors in stone. Countless reporters from all around the world and many citizens of Silveren gathered outside the court, awaiting the court decision.

After two hours of trial, the court declared its decision. Lt. Gen. Haric and his followers such as Major General Richard, Sergeant Kayce, Major General Jonan and Major General Godin were all sentenced to life imprisonment.

Along with the evidence submitted by Yelena; Sergeant Korin and Nolan Iselin also testified which helped the court to make the decision right away.

The same day, the military authorities declared their decision to reinstate Nolan Iselin back to his post. He will also be compensated for all the damage he suffered. All those who took part in revealing the truth were honoured by the army and they also received promotions.