Will You Marry Me?

Great news? Yelena was curious yet flustered. What could possibly be the great news that Felix said?!

"I receive a call from the Prime Minister of my country." Felix started while Yelena raised a brow.

"Prime Minister?"

The Prince nodded. "After our marriage, the military authorities want you to join our Army Forces if you are willing." He said, observing her reaction.

Yelena was in a daze! Did she hear it right? The Edeladon Army wanted her to join them?! Was that even possible?!

When the Prince noticed her zoning out, he didn't know what to do. Didn't she like the idea? However, the final decision was solely on her.

"You don't like it?" He asked when she still remained silent. Was he wrong?

Aroused from her stupor, Yelena dumbfoundedly looked at the Prince. "Is that possible? I'm not from Belden or other countries but Silveren. It's already hard for the people to accept a Silveren soldier." She muttered.