Ivan and Kaye had calmed down after an hour. They sat on the bed side by side each other. Kaye was the first to break the silence.

"Can I have my clothes? I don't think it's good to walk around with your shirt." Kaye blushed at the thought and wrapped the blanker more tightly around her.

"You look good on my shirts. Come to think of it, when we were young, you would often wear my clothes." Ivan teased her which he earned a glare from her.

"Stop spouting nonsense. I was young back then. This time, it's different. Come on. Get me my clothes." Kaye pushed him off the bed so he could get going.

"Alright. Don't move around sweetheart or people will see that bottoms." Ivan winked at her before running out of his room. Kaye wanted to smack him but she could only put her hands down after seeing him leave.

Now that she's alone, Kaye looked around the room carefully. There's a computer room and small study. A mini library was located at the corner near the large window.

Kaye walked around when he saw some pictures being turned over. She picked them up and saw the face she's very familiar with. It was the young Ivan on the frame holding her cat, Tomo.

She picked up another frame and saw a smiling face of Ivan with Miss Maine. They looked very much alike instead of Mrs. Harley. Kaye put down the frame with this thought in mind.

She moved a few steps and found a locket hanging right beside the computer. It was an oval shaped pendant with a heart engraved on the surface. A little diamond was placed at the center of the heart making it look so stunning and a hint of like something vintage.

Kaye was contemplating between opening the locket or not. When she was about to open it, Ivan came in with the clothes on his hands.

"You like it?" Ivan asked eyeing his locket which she held in her hands.

"It's beautiful. Where did you get this?" Kaye looked at the locket once again before placing it back to where she took it.

"I customized that to fit something important to me." Ivan said while he placed her clothes on his bed. "You can have it if you want."

"How could I? You just told me it has something important. I wouldn't want to lose it." Kaye rolled her eyes at him before walking towards the bed and gathered her clothes.

"It's fine. Here." Ivan took the locket and place it around her neck. "Don't open it if you're not ready with what you'll see. The thing inside, might ruin our friendship. So if you're willing to take the risk you can go ahead and open it."

Kaye was even more horrified now that she heard him say that. "You love troubling me."

"It looks good on you. Wear this all the time or put this inside your bag wherever you go. This is my lucky charm. Just remember what I said." Ivan didn't tell her that it's a way to protect her. He intended go give it to her on her birthday but it's fine. The locket was actually a tracking device.

"If you say so. I'll keep it safe for you. Let me change first." Kaye hurried out to the bathroom and changed into her clothes.

Ivan just sat outside waiting for her. After a few minutes, Kaye walked out in her clothes. Ivan smiled at her and he too changed into simple shirts and pants.

If Kaye had bothered herself to pick up the frame on the bedside drawer, she should've seen the image of her younger self.

Kaye and Ivan walked out of the room so he could send Kaye home. What he didn't expect was that all three people were sitting seriously at the living room.

When Kaye saw the younger woman who sat at the living room, her face became pale. Her breathing was becoming difficult. Her head was buzzing and she felt dizzy. Her back was sweating profusely and her legs were shaking.

"I...I can't...can't breath..." Kaye fainted all of a sudden that made everyone shout in horror. Ivan was startled seeing her collapse. His world was crumbling.

"Kaye! My god! Sweetheart!" Ivan carried her off back to his room while all three people followed suit. His sister was utterly shocked as well.

"What's wrong with her? What did you do to her last night?" Grace was so frustrated that she scolded her son like a baby while checking up on Kaye.

They were so excited this morning when they found out that their son finally brought a woman home when their made found the clothes being dried up and thought it was the young missus.

When she presented it to her, Kathleen denied her ownership and that means, someone else was in their house.

Who would've thought it would be Kaye? As much as the Harleys like Kaye, they never intended to scare her off. Now, she fainted.

"Why were you sitting outside with an imposing manner?" Ivan asked them with a frown. "You guys must be up to something."

"We wanted to see the girl. We didn't really want to scare her. It wasn't out intention at all." Ivan's father answered for them while handing out a basin of warm water to wipe the girl's face.

"I think she wasn't scared of you guys. I think she was scared of me finding her here." Kathleen interjected awkwardly with a raised hand, owning her fault.

"Why would she be...oh my god!" Grace exclaimed and it downed on them that Kaye mistook her daughter as Ivan's girlfriend.

Ivan sat on the bed beside Kaye, ignoring the three people in the room. He wiped her face with the wet cloth. He was so adept on it since he did it to her last night as well.

"Bro, I'm really sorry. I didn't really know you brought her home. I didn't even do anything but I was at fault here." Kathleen complained to her brother which was absolutely right.

Ivan just nod her head and continued wiping Kaye's face. "Let me bring something to eat." Grace said before heading out to get something for Kaye, acting like a mother-in-law.