
''Ah?! What is this? Have I finally gone crazy?''

Derrick looked at the prompt and began to study it. He couldn't grab it, nor could he make it disappear. Its glow was also the sole light in the area.


[Would you like to seek revenge? Yes/No]

Once again, the characters flashed in front him.

''Shit... It can't be worse than what's happening right now... Yes, I want to take revenge!''

[Selection accepted]

[Hosts' transfer has begun. 10%...33%...71%...94%...100%]


[Moving 'Host' to a new location on the continent...]


A vortex of light suddenly manifested and cleansed the darkness previously shrouding him. Everything afterward simply happened too fast.

Before he could even make sense of what had just occurred, he was already opening his eyes. His whole body ached, and his brain felt like it was being torn apart.

''What the hell? Have I really been revived? Is it my old body? No... This feels... different''

His breathing was rough, and the pain was nigh unbearable.

In an attempt to mitigate it, he closed his eyes and took in deep breaths, making him slowly relax.

After a couple of hours, the pain had diminished a lot and was now bearable. It was time to try moving around.

''So... I was reborn. And... Uh? I'm naked?! Well, it's a new body, so it would've been weird to already have clothes...''

He had also used the time spent dealing with the pain to come up to terms with his situation. It defied all logic, but who was he to complain?

He had wished for a new start, and it had been granted to him.

Overthinking it would accomplish nothing.

As for his new location, it was quite tricky since there was barely any light.

After observing his surroundings for a while longer, he deducted that he was in a small cave. Surprisingly, his vision was still quite good, as he was able to make sense of a great deal of things around him.

''This new body... Wow... I've really done it!''

He had managed to find a small puddle of water, in which he had begun inspecting himself.

His body was that of a young man who appeared to be 16 years old. He had a sturdy physique, and he was quite tall. He had to say that he was also very handsome.

His past brown hair had turned golden, and his green eyes now had an unfathomable depth to them. After finishing his inspection, Derrick's expression grew serious.

''I remember seeing a system of sorts when I was drifting in the dark... where is it now? Has it vanished?''

As soon as he finished his sentence, a window appeared in his consciousness.

[System Nemesis... initiated]

[Welcome, Derrick Tarlin! You have been granted the opportunity to take revenge. Here are the characteristics of your body]

[Derrick Tarlin, 16 (Body) & 37 (Mind) — Human]

[Class : None]

[Strength : 1.5]

[Agility : 1.0]

[Endurance : 1.0]

[Vitality : 2.0]

[Magic Power : 1.0]

[Traits : Enhanced body, Enhanced vision]

[Skills : Appraisal]

''This is unbelievable! I never thought I'd get a second chance like this! System, what do those numbers mean? What's a class?''

[The numbers are based on the measure of a common entity. Values of 1 mean they are on par with it, and every extra point is multiplicative. For example, your vitality of 2 means that it's twice as good as the average being]

[As for a class, it is a path granting you skills and traits related to it. You may even create unique skills if your mastery becomes high enough]

Derrick was flabbergasted. He'd be able to learn skills by just choosing a class?! This was so much better than simply being brought back to life!

''How do I choose a class?''

[The system can show you a list to choose from. Would you like to see it?]

''Yes! Show me their descriptions as well''

[The system has 4 classes to choose from : Necromancer, Sorcerer, Spartan, and Berserker]

[Necromancer : A magician that specializes in the practice of dark magic. It also involves communicating with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions or by raising their corpses. This class allows you to summon, or tame, more entities as you grow. It's a rare and powerful class, but it is also despised and shunned by all. Certain side effects may also be observed over a long period of time]

[Sorcerer : A magician that uses knowledge to practice magic. In the magical world, they are jack-of-all-trades, but master of none. It's an uncommon class. They are well-educated scholars, and they are viewed favorably wherever they go]

[Spartan : A warrior class that excels in the military field. They are able to master all weapons and develop a keen sense of fighting tactics. Their body strength is second to none, while also possessing unparalleled agility. They are common in the general population, but the mastery shown in this class is very low]

[Berserker : A tank-type class that specializes in unrestrained brute strength. Its might is incomparable, and its vitality, frightening. The backlash of such a class is that their inhuman bloodlust makes them lose all rationality for a short period of time. Berserkers are usually used as trump cards to turn the tides during wars. It's a rare class that terrifies the populace]

After reading thoroughly through everything, Derrick started pondering. Right now, he was in an unfamiliar environment, devoid of anything but rocks and soil.

Without weapons, he immediately eliminated the Spartan class.

As for the Sorcerer class, his knowledge of magic was basically nonexistent, and he had, obviously, no access to such thing right now.

Derrick also liked being clear-headed at all times, leaving him with only one option : Necromancer.

''It seems like being a loner is just unavoidable in my case... Still, I just have to become powerful enough to ignore everyone else's opinion''

A smile formed on his face. He would be viewed as a heretic of the dark arts, but he couldn't care less.

Ultimately, the only thing he desired was to make those creatures pay while enjoying this new life to the fullest.

Actually, no... Making them pay would achieve little to nothing.

He had to look for the true culprit, the one behind all that carnage and suffering : their progenitor.

He had no clues whatsoever, but he'd stop at nothing to kill it with his bare hands. He swore he'd never feel that powerless ever again.

The determination in his eyes grew fiercer, and within was born an unquenchable thirst for power.

''System, I want to be a Necromancer!''