Arthur's Backstory

After what felt like an eternity, Jasmine spoke again, "You thought we were here to scout your kingdom out, didn't you?" 

"I might have had my suspicions." He said, looking away. "You care about your king a lot." 

"We do." She said, "Don't you feel the same way about your king. That's why you are willing to kill people for a chance to help him? You are all such dedicated subjects." 

Arthur sighed, sitting on the table, his back to Jasmine as she made her way to his front. 

"It's a lot more than just being good subjects." He said, looking at the ground. "It is a lot more selfish than that." 

"I am here to listen if you need it," Jasmine said, pulling out a chair and looking at him. "I don't mind listening to you." 

"I don't think we have that kind of luxury." He said, looking to the door. His expressions were heavy and conflicted. "I will tell you where to find the king."