Fourth [Unedited]

|3 Years Pass On Arena at Night|

You can see a figure of an 8-year-old child playing with a Bo staff.

The staff has great craftsmanship as carving as so detailed that it seems to jump out of it. The staff is enlarging and shrinking, lengthen and shorten. The wind rises as the staff sways signifying the power of each swing and strike.

At the very edge, a motherly woman is smiling at the dancing figure with the staff.

"Loki, it is already night, you need to staff your training," she said with her proud smile.

He stopped and smiles. The staff shrink to needle size. He put his hair into a bun and pierce it with the needle.

"Let's go mother!" he yelled and runs toward her as she walks away.

Arriving at the dinner table. Where a great variety of foods are laid down.

"Brother you work hard! Trying to impress beautiful females?" Thor said as he put a portion of food in his mouth.

"Na, I will find one for me," Loki responds.

"You wish to master the way of balance?" Odin said as he looks at the child.

"No, father," Loki said to continue to eat.

"I would love to see how powerful will you become if you focus more on training than playing tricks and stealing," Frigga said, as she chuckles. She shook her head remembering all his antics.

"Mother, that was only my source of fun! What will I do if I lose that!" he replied, as he looks proud of being acknowledged for his deeds.

"Mother, when will you teach me magic?" Loki asks with excitement.

Odin looks at Frigga but she didn't mind him.

"Tomorrow, you will train with me the following days until I say," she said, Odin didn't chime in as he knows what she wants. He tokes Thor to be his successor.

"Yes, mother!"


|Inside The Library|

Loki and Frigga are walking in.

"Now we start, I will say to you, no magic is weak it's all about the utility and how you use it," she said, as they walk then Loki fell down butt first.

A pulling force on his feet bonded him up.

With him hanging in the air.

"Mother, I think I'm gonna puke here," he said, holding his mouth close.

"Oh sorry!" She fastly put him down.

"That was a fast mother! How did you do it? I didn't even see anything," Loki said when his feet touch the floor.

She smiles at him and brings the brown couch Loki is using during his study.

"First, We need to make you see the energies," she said, offering to sit and she remains standing.

Her eyes suddenly change to gold color.

"Why do I need to see them first isn't it feel first?" Loki asks, with a confused face.

"We can do the feeling first, but it will sacrifice the knowledge that can learn to observe them with your eyes. Each energy have different ideas and concept. If you first start to feel the energy, all you will know is warm, cold and tingling but when you see them." She said, like a master musician.

She waves her hands above her head slowly, like she is calling for something.

Loki's face replaced by an awed expression as he slowly lifts his hand. Feeling as an invisible flow of warm wind covers the whole room.

Frigga floated in the air.

"You will know their nature and how to command them," she said lastly.


The warm wind collides with each other transforming to a massive cone of fire aimed at the air.


Frigga floated down and smile at him as he looks at her with awe and excitement.

"Now we will awaken your mind's eye," she said, walking toward him and putting her hand on his head.

Loki grasp as warm current travel to his brain making all of his thoughts a massive speed boost. His view is changed to a tunnel of the spectrum.

Upon reaching the end, a purple light covers his whole body.


Like a door is opened.

Loki's eyes flickers. Adjusting to the different views of the world.

He sees the different colors of flowing energies like rivers. Twisting and bending, ever-changing and always existing.

It filled the whole room.

Unknown to him a tiara appears in his head.

"What is this?" Frigga looks at the tiara on his head.  Very confused, she looks at him with doubt.

"I am not a gay mother! Don't look at me like that!" Loki yelled as he looks at his mother to the eye reflecting the tiara in his head.

"Sure enough, this looks like Sun Wukong's crown but in purple and more pronounced," she said, inspecting it.

'What the fuck‽ That God seriously messing with me!' Loki yelled at his mind.

"Now you can see energies, we will start by showing you the different type of using the energies," she said.

"There is a different type of using them?"

She nodded.

"We Gods, command energies with our intent," she said, one of the flowing energies slowly bend toward Frigga coiling into her being without using her hand.

"Next is, the wizards and witches, they use words and chants with emotion, or using enchantment and talisman," she said but didn't display.

"Lastly, the Midgard's protector, Sorcery. Hand gestures to conjure weapons and mental stimulation or magic sequence," she said, twisting her wrist then a magic circle appears in her and like a shield. Then lasting her hand at her side then as she does it slowly a golden wip appears.

"Wow! So what is more powerful?" He asks.

"God's but all of them have advantages and disadvantages. God's magic is more flexible and powerful. Wizard chant if added by great emotion is magnified its #@#@ and the last is fast and have a great potential base on the user's understanding of magic sequence." She said.

He tilted his head unconsciously and Frigga frown as she looks at him strangely.

"I will study it all!" He said, with his chest out.

"Well, for now, you will just study command and intent, slowly you can master it all." She said.

"Yes, mother!"



What I need to do now is get as many books based on the nature of all energies that exist.

I will use [Library of Heaven's Path] to know the perfect way to wield them all.

[Concept of Space: 150 Flaws]

[Concept of Time: 90 Flaws]

This will be my first target.

With a blank book on my hand, I start to study their nature and ideas. Taking notes of possible ways to use them.

Week pass studying but slowly the flaws are being reduced but still one final this is missing.

[Heaven's Concept of Space: 1 Flaw]

[Heaven's Concept of Time: 1 Flaw]

I feel so frustrated. I can't do anything to them.

Maybe I need a break.



A young boy is walking with a mischievous smile.

"Hey, beauty want to accompany me to drink?" A buff man said covering her way.

Loki shook his head.

Making way toward the troublemaker. Standing behind the man Loki shoves his hand in the man's pants as he pulls in down.

The pant is ripped off his belt. His pink underwear is revealed in the world.

"Hahaha!" People burst to laugh.

The lady also chuckles as her cheeks blush.

Loki also laughs hard.

His hand is a wallet jiggling with coins.

"Give it back!" The man yelled as he looks at Loki holding his wallet.

Loki runs out.

"Hey! Catch him!"

The man's partner runs after Loki.

He points his hand down in front a shovel appears.

The partner appears behind Loki as he jumps to the side.


He couldn't stop as he steps into the shovel it's handled shoving in his face.

Due to the shock, he tumbled.

Loki runs while laughing.

He didn't stop running until he appears in a lake.

There is a couple talking to themselves.

"Tsk.. this young master here doesn't have a lady then you have the guts to have one. Let us see how you will react to this young master's punishment," he said, with a wild grin.

Sneakily, hiding out of their detection he waits for the right time to strike.

Time goes without happening.

"Patient is the virtue of a victor," Loki chanted as he waits.

The sun is setting. The couple slowly leans toward each other attempting to kiss the other.


Loki's two hands are coiled by purple twinkling energy he cast it toward the couple.


Upon their lips in contact, the energy also touches them.

Opening their eyes,

The female yells. In her view, the man she's kissing is her father.

The male also shout curses. In his view, the woman he's kissing is his youngest sister.


Loki is cramping from laughing.

He sits on the grass holding his stomach as he laughs. The pitiful couple ran in the opposite direction not knowing someone sees them.