"Tomorrow we will go to Midgard. I wish to see how they are developing," Odin said.
The two brothers nodded with great excitement.
A man with two young boys are walking. One have a smug face the other have a grin.
"Now boys, I want you to do what you want but don't cause trouble," Odin said, as he look at Loki who have is acting like a kind kid.
"Yes Father," the two answered and run toward the crowded market.
People are wearing Doric Chiton linen fabric with buttons or pins. They were trading goods. It was noisy as people shouts everywhere.
Loki is seen running passing people perfectly dodging passerbys.
"I need donation... Maybe I can borrow some but father is watching me. Let's make a live performance show!" he muttered, as he look back to Odin seeing him eyeing him like saying 'I dare you' with another man wearing a greek robes with his chest visible and smug grin.
"Horny dogs," he murmured.
Loki runs to a visible space, like pulling something he put his hand on his pocket and pull a blanket out.
People sees and seems intrigued as he pulled different items in his pocket.
Now there is a 2 meter empty space in front of Loki.
"Well, Good morning buddibads and jiglipuffs, I will perform a certain impossible feats but I am hungry can I have an apple?" Loki ask, then a child of his age toss him one.
"Ohh! Nice! Thank you!"
He pulled a hat in his pocket and set it down the empty space.
"Well nothing is free but I only need donation fellas, let's start."
Like Ichigo he swipe his hand up as it materialize a white grinning mask.
"Once a upon a time," Loki said but his voice morphed to a various pitch. Hoarse voice of a man, high pitch of a female and a child.
A sun like orb appear in his hand.
"A girl wearing a red hood, her face shaped heart, big eyes that melts ice,"
The orb floated up. He waved his hand toward the audience, like he is calling for someone.
The girl that give him apple suddenly have been hugged by a red himation that is made into a cloak hiding all her features.
People is shocked more as the girl become more innocent and naive looking.
Her appearance matched his words.
She walk slowly step by step toward him.
"Bullshit!" A man shouted.
Loki smiles.
"Then a hungry wolf appears!" He pointed at the man.
"Arggg!!!" The man cramp in pain. His figure become bigger and take on an appearance of a lycanthropy.
People screams but they didn't run.
Then the wolf lunge in the empty space.
"Red Riding Hood runs in the woods hoping to escape to her house."
The girl runs, the empty space morphed into a tiny forest as they run the land moves.
"She is a very lucky lady."
He wave his hand as the wolf tripped into a branch.
The wolf again is unlucky as he triggers a trap hurling him up in the air. Clawing the rope he again runs toward her.
But she already in her house.
"The wolf leaves but didn't forget the humiliation. Every day he will come looking at her in the dark," Loki said.
The audience is terrified to what is happening.
""Don't go out!""
"Then one day she receive a letter saying that her grandmother is sick, deciding to go to her and take care of her,"
The wolf isn't there.
He went missing.
"Journey to her grandmother's house is simple,"
The people see that inside the house isn't a old mother but a wolf wearing an old woman's dress.
""Don't go in!!""
People was horrified to what they see.
"She knocked and calls. The wolf says 'Please go in my dear.' she enters and look at the elderly. Putting her apple pie down and slowly coming near her. When she is near him the wolf lunged to her. Knocking her down."
The girl is below and the wolf grinning at her.
"But her grandmother come to the rescue, with a powerful stick she blasted him out!!"
The real elderly got out of her room and pull a wand. She then blasted the wolf out.
"The wolf died and Red Riding Hood survives. The end..."
The wolf got up and change back. The girl and the man bowed to the people.
Coins came pouring in the hat.
"Kukuku!" Loki laugh, as he look at the coins he can use to buy sweets.
He then wave into the two.
He conjured a necklace and a hat. Presenting the hat to the man and the necklace into the girl.
"The hat of a gentleman, is my first work on enchantment. This hat have the curse of jealousy, when you are feeling jealousy it will weaken you, but when isn't you will receive great boost in all of your abilities but when blood appear in your hand. The hat will fall of your head," he said.
Then looking at the girl.
"Kindness, is a virtue but overly kind is bad, learn to give it to everybody but only when they really need it. Help them live not depend. The necklace will give you luck and protect. The red hood is for hiding."
After that Loki stood up from his chair and get his coins. Running toward the crowd to cover his tracks.
After 5 minutes, guards appear asking for a kid doing magic.
"You have such a fine boys Odin," Zeus said, with a mocking smile.
"I rather have them than a dog ruining lives of innocent."
Zeus look at him and shook his head.
"I am a God, they are mortal, they should be proud of themselves to receive my seeds." He said, without regret.
"I hope you will continue to believe that," Odin said with contempt.
I walk around buying sweets and fruits that didn't grow on Asgard.
Then I saw the little oaf!!
Let's have some fun!
I see him paralyzing people if they got onto his nerves.
"You lowly mortal!" he yelled to a merchant as he took a bite of a apple as his hand play with lightning.
Then merchant is dissuade to confront him.
"Hahaha!" Thor laugh with a smug.
I also chuckles.
As he walk I conjured a rope into his feet tripping him and sending a burst of energy into the apple.
Then apple slowly inflate.
The apple explode into his face like a juice.
Loki runs to evade a bolt of current aim on his position.