Sixth [Unedited]

I suddenly felt I forgotten something.

I will leave the Space and Time training and finish mastering Enchantment.

Why? I almost lose my staff when I make it shrink as small as ear piercing. I spent 10 hours finding it in the lake I use to play and train energy control. The place I make fun of the couple.

It was now named [Con Den] by all of Asgardian. As when you come here be happy to leave with clothes as other become test subject traumatize by the whole ordeal.

Holding a ring.

I wrote golden colored Aesir Runes in it.

[Space Ring: 40 Flaws]

  30x30 Cubic Meter Inventory Space

Sign, why is it so hard to have a perfect one. Last time I created the luck pendant base on whips and random runes on luck but it is a success with only 20 flaws.

I want to have a infinite spacial ring!! Like those on wuxia novels!

I open my other space ring to eat the sweets I buy at my last visit on Earth.

"Choco and peach..."

I eat it.

"Ummm... Why does its taste change? Well never mind, it is still sweet."

Trying all types of enchantment.

From luck to power enchantment.

My mind start to fly out toward the galaxy wondering.

Then a figure of Hinata appear in front of me.

I gulp hard remembering it as I read lots of hentai manga of her.

[Master of Bed Ring: 5 Flaws]

  Gold: 80%

  Enchantment: 5 Flaws

  Boost Stamina, Precise movement, and G-Spot Identifier.

Flaw #1: Intent aren't fully assimilate.

Flaw #2: Intent didn't identify specific action or

"Well shit!"

Then an idea struck me.

"Intent? It also affect enchantment?"

Welp! Discovery come from accident right?

I pop-up my snack ring and I got nothing...

Did I finish those all?

I look at the sun and it is already setting.

"I spend hours blankly. Well let me continue this tomorrow." I said, as stand up after writing my discover.



We can see a child cramp-up hugging his stomach.

"Mother! It hurts!! Please!" Loki shouted.

Behind the door is Thor grinning like a maniac.

Frigga came smacking his head.

"Thor, I said call me if your brother start to feel bad again. Look at him."

"Hahaha! He deserve it! It will not kill him mother, just food poisoning, but how did he have that?" Thor ask confused.

"He said he only eat hundreds of sweets he brought on Midgard," she replied, as she walks in.

She look at the air, then she shook her head.

"Don't try to use magic to heal yourself if you can't concentrate. It will endanger you more Loki," she said, the energies in the air slowly stabilize and she helps Loki.

His face start to show relief.

He then turn toward the door.

'Wait for me' mouthing to toward Thor who just laugh it off.

"Yes, mother."

"Then rest more." She said.

"Mother, I discovered something in rune. Does rune also affected by intent?" he ask, as he stare at her.

"I don't know, I haven't seen a book about it or anyone doing it. Why?"

She look at him with confusion.

"I do affect it mother, it strengthen the runes," he said, a victorious smile creep in his face.

Her eyes widen. She then hugged him tightly.

"Well done son! Well done but rest for now continue your learning after recovering. Your sweets will be banned until we know how you got sick."

He scratched his head.

"How did you brought all those sweet from Midgard?"

She look at him as they didn't have any bags when they left.

Loki removed his ring and give it to her.

"What is this?"

"Put in on mother, then say open."

She put in on.

"Open," she said, and the golden rune on the ring brighten and a circle appear infront of her.

"Yeah, I created it to store things."

She nodded and conjure a clock.

He look at her with not knowing gaze.

"Can I ask for 15 Uru rings mother? Those without enchantment?"

She nodded and put my ring on.

"I am proud of you son. I only taught to so little and you are already learning on your own," she said, she hugged him and open the inventory again. Retrieving the clock.

She look at the clock and the clock on the wall.

"Well, your inventory also have a large flaw."

She smiles and bring it in my face.

"Walk before running my dear."

She walks out and I am still clueless.

I look at stare at the clock.

Tilting my head I gaze on the wall clock.

Then look at them alternately, again a couple of time.


So stupid it was in front of me all this time!!

Space and Time! Space and Time! Space and Time!


'Combine Concept of Space and Concept of Time!'

[Heaven's Book of Space-Time: Flawless]


  Perfect book guide how to create space-time magic based on the completed application of Concept of Space & Time.

Ha!! I'll sleep for now!


Space-Time Magic Manipulation is the most powerful arsenal I have.

Why? It is omnipresent.

Everything have it even a dust.

Experiment #1:

I look at the bird flying. Sitting on the tree I throw a rock to make it fly.

Like I have the remote. I turn my hand to the left in circular motion slowly.

It slowly down until it stops. It space it occupied the air. Using my other hand I turn it back by turning my hand to the left in same motion and it was going back  but its body is now moving instead of freezing in motion.

So I hypothesize that each location have different time that as I froze the part near the bird but not all around of it.

But Dr. Strange's usage of time stone can turn things all or back. He can see in the future same as Ancient One.

Remember he have the time stone that is the time itself. So maybe it create a sphere of vaccum in time that can be controlled. On the apple scene?

Is it bitten all? As I remember it was being bitten as it was controlled back and forth!

Cause and Effect!

The stone also control cause and effect.

If he didn't bite it or left untouch maybe the apple will just rot but he bitten it and the concept of cause and effect came and the stone take consideration of the cause my it happen so it follow the cause as time is speed up.

This is a rabbit hole!!

I will slow down for now but atleast I can use space-time magic but not as proficient than using time stone.

Space-Time magic is great on massive scale usage but on minimal use I can just use either one.

Once I teleport on great distance then I must use both as I can connect go to a place at the time I want. Like going to Hawaii when it's morning here and night there. If I tempered it using space-time magic I can appear there at morning as I will be frozen at the void for time as I travel waiting for the right time to appear.

Let just explore it slowly. I want to view future like Ancient One and Dr. Strange but I also need to learn Concept of Cause-Effect.

Basic first! Portals without sling ring.

"Yes! Let me test first!"

My two hand forming a round motion as I slowly gather all energies.


Upon gathering it to a fist size. I put one of my hand infront and open my palm.


The energies slowly disperse into a round form of a portal.

"[Space-Time Gate!]"

Time and space stops in 5 meter diameter.

An abyssal hole opened slowly trying to suck me in.

"The Fuck..."

All I feel being twisted and pulled into a pinhole.

Upon waking-up all I see is a yellow colored world the seems still like a perfect copy of Aesir but only on appearance.

Reaching my hand out seems that I poke out of a bubble.

It seems to be I am still inside the Space-Time Stop.

The world is yellow but all I can see is only 100 meter afar and all of it is randow color clouds.

Space-Time Energy are very little that can't be used.

I tried to open a gate using the energy present here but the yellow energy that bountifully occupied the whole place don't listen to my command.

Where am I really‽

[Illuion Realm]

Nice! The library can identify places!

But how did it do it?

Upon a shining book inside my mind,

[Illusionary World: 95 Flaws]

So it compare the place that is in the book.

What can I do here?

Isn't I suppose to arrive at Quantum Realm not Illusion Realm as Space-Time is tied on it?

Well, maybe I can use this realm to power my spells or create for my own style!

I navigated by floating.

Arriving at the edge, I use my staff to be use of my safety I already risk myself being dragged here.

There seems to be a blockage. As I tap a ripple happen at the very edge. It seems like a dome wall surrounding the realm, separating it to others.

I turn back and know that I fucked my life up.

Behind me is a hoard of me.

A 12 year old looking Loki with blank stare.

The 5 meter space separating us, shrink as they start to charge into me.


I make the air compress into a bubble only in my head.

I make my Bo Staff in it's basic form ready to strike.

First contact, I swipe at a very large motion after spinning four time is horizontal manner. They broke like a glass.

At my last spin I enlarge it as big as possible without looking my grip.

All of the illusion vanish as I wave the big ass staff.

I feel a cold grip on my foot.

Looking down, an abyss appear out of nowhere. Legion of myself crawling up from a hole like place. Then also have staff in their hands.

"When will this end‽"

I jumped and make my pole as big as the hole and push it down.

"Die you copycats!!"

I breath hard at the top of my staff.

How will I go home?

My air is slowly poison me. I use the remaining energy on the bubble in my head to create a pinhole size passage to let this toxic gases out and oxygen in.

If I become God, I will immune to the vacuum of space and air.

Bye, bye breathing problem.

But let me take this seriously first, as I look up as figure of myself is standing upside-down, I jump up and also see legions of me on the otherside. Is this place's direction not applicable?

As long as you can touch it, it's  the land?

A tugging feeling came from my navel.

I lift my shirt up and saw a [I] Yellow Symbol appear but its color seems so meager for me to receive what I can get from it.

"Ora!! Let this show on the road!!"

I shouted and shrink my staff and charge toward them. As they also charge at me.

I enlarge and shrink my staff non-stop each swipe break numerous. I don't know how long I am doing this but I know it heck of a long time as bruises cover my body, arms and legs.

They didn't stop and their number is going down but becoming more and more as time pass.


I enlarge my staff to the max as it maybe the final swipe I need to leave. The symbol or rune become more bright.

A small round gate appear as I channel all the energy I can wield get.

I jump into it as I make my staff shrink as small as my finger.


My butt touched the very floor of my room as maniacal laugh echoes in.

"Ummm... So that's how you do it, thanks."

I passed out after that.

But I feel I really forgotten something.